Elektro - IKM Instrutek AS
Unik kompetanse og produktbredde.
Escape tunnels - IKM dsc Engineering
IKM dsc Engineering’s escape tunnels are fully tested and certified by DnV GL or Lloyd’s. Product designs based on proven technology and more than twenty years of experience.
Navigasjon og kommunikasjon - IKM Instrutek AS
Med basis i høy kompetanse, leverer vi en rekke systemer for både retrofit og komplette nye brosystemer. Vi installerer og igangsetter brosystemer som tilfredsstiller kundens krav, samt ivaretar IMO-krav og klassekrav.
Weather protection - IKM dsc Engineering
IKM dsc Engineering’s weather protection and winterisation products are tested and verified by Sintef with respect to technical functionality. Product designs based on proven technology and more than twenty years of experience.