- Temperature range -42.92 °C/-45.26 °F up to +71° C/+160° F
- Continuous operating temperature up to 60° C/+140° F
- Application temperature > +5° C/+41° F
- Recommended surface preparation SA 2-1/2 or SSPC/SP-10
- Surface preparation minimum SSPC/SP-2
- Application minimum +3° C/+5° F above dew point
- Melting point +152,8° C/+307,04° F
- Glass transition temperature -42,92° C/-45,26° F
- CD value 0-3 mm (ASTM G8) at +23° C/+73,4° F
- Self healing in case of small damages
- Impervious to moisture and gases
- Adhesion to the substrate without primer
- Remaining flexibility over decades
- Easy in use; can be cut and paste
- Permanent wetting characteristics
- Eliminates Microbiological Induced Corrosion (MIC)
- No curing time
- Extreme high chemical resistance
- No sensitivity to salts and osmosis
- Cohesive fracture
- 100% inert formulation: no reactive groups and no deterioration in the course of time